Welcome to the Living Tree Academy Blog

With this blog we will keep you updated on our daily events of building a school in the Country of Belize. You will also be able to jump in and help with this adventure of a life time.

And anyone that is so inspired might find some of this information helpful in your efforts to build a quality school in any community or country around the world.

Stay in touch and lets change the lives of young people, one at a time.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

LTA Narrative

The following is a breakdown of the past actions by Living Tree Academy.

2002                The planning phase of Living Tree Academy was initiated by conducting several informational meetings from which a board of directors was established.  During this same time frame, the domain name http://www.livingtreeacademy.org/ was purchased for the internet and a website setup. 

Apr 2003         With the assistance of Stuart Sobel Consulting, Inc., the Living Tree Academy Board of Directors filed for the 501c3 status.

                        During the same month, three members of the LTA board met with the Belizean Ambassador in Washington DC to present the mission of Living Tree Academy and its relationship with the country of Belize.

Sept 2003        Living Tree Academy was notified by the IRS that the application for the 501c3 was approved on September 5, 2003.

Oct 2003         Living Tree Academy filed with the state of Tennessee as a non-profit based Tennessee corporation. 

                        The Pennies for People Program was initiated to build awareness of Living Tree Academy and the country of Belize while giving people the opportunity to contribute.                    

Dec 2003        The President of LTA took the first trip to Belize City, Belize and met with the US Embassy, as well as a Real-Estate Agent.

During January and February, Living Tree Academy conducted open meetings in Memphis, TN to present the mission of LTA.  People were invited to these meetings via word of mouth and written invitation.  These meetings were held in varying individual homes throughout the Memphis area.

Mar 2004        The LTA Board of Directors traveled to Belize to accomplish the following:
Determined location of the Academy
                                                Met with US Ambassador
                                                Met with Belize Ministry of Education in Belmopan
                                                Met with Belize Manager of Education in Punta Gorda

During March and April Living Tree Academy conducted open meetings in Memphis, TN once again to present the mission of LTA.  People were invited to these meetings via word of mouth and written invitation.  These meetings were held in varying individual homes throughout the Memphis area.

Apr 2004         Living Tree Academy hosted Michael Kannensohn from Strategic Funding Group (April 17).  The purpose of this consultation was to determine the grant possibilities for LTA.  After this meeting, it was determined by the Board to pursue grants at a later time.

The Board of Directors along with interested volunteers and supporters were encouraged to read the Autobiography of George Muller.  George Muller was able to accomplish the building of orphanages and distribution of educational materials throughout the world by his prayer life and love for people.

The Board presented Vacation with a Purpose through the LTA website and open meetings throughout the Memphis area.  This program was designed for people to have a meaningful vacation.  This was accomplished by individuals providing their own transportation and tourist attraction costs while dedicating a portion of their time for volunteer work.  Another aspect of this Program was to give contributors the opportunity to see and be apart of the work in which they support.   
Another program presented during this time frame was Sponsor a Student.  The concept was to identify students that need all or part of their expenses covered to pursue educational excellence. 

May 2004       A group of volunteers conducted a trip to Belize to accomplish the following:
                                    Conducted a meeting at St. Catherine’s School in Belize City
Met with Ministry of Education to review application requirements
Met with Minister of State and Minister of Education in Independence during school Grand Opening Celebration                                          
Looked at potential property in Pomona Village
                                    Visited US Embassy in Belize City

July 2004        The president of LTA traveled to Belize to procure housing for volunteer staff and students.

Aug 2004        Living Tree Academy contacted an attorney to begin the process for trade marking the name.

Sept 2004        Board members and volunteers traveled to Belize to conduct the following:
                                    Began process for NGO status in Belize
                                    Met with attorney concerning LTA status in Belize
                                    Secured PO Box
                                    Secured housing          
Ministry of Education – discussed application
Visited and updated US Ambassador’s Office

Oct 2004         The LTA office relocated from Memphis, TN to Nashville, TN. 

Nov 2004        The first participants of Vacation with a Purpose arrived in Belize to volunteer with the establishment of the first school building.  The goal was to begin rotating volunteer staff to ensure work was continued in Belize.

The initial building lease which was agreed upon in July, was voided after it was determined there was not a clear deed for the property.  New housing/school building was located and lease/purchase agreement was finalized.

Dec 2004        Another participant for Vacation with a Purpose arrived and renovation on the new facility continued. 

LTA facilitated a partnership with Southern Regional Hospital in Dangriga with the goal in mind to have a clinic on LTA property.  The hospital requested the need for ongoing supplies.
Jan 2005         Another participant for Vacation with a Purpose arrived and renovation on the new facility continued.  At the end of the month all BOD and volunteer staff returned to the States (rotating the volunteer staff was not available at this time due to lack of numbers and other circumstances). 
Feb 2005         Board member and volunteer staff conducted an open meeting in Iowa regarding the work of Living Tree Academy.

Mar 2005        Volunteers returned to Belize with another participant for Vacation with a Purpose to continue renovation of the facility.  During this time, LTA introduced Project CURE to the Dangriga hospital for future networking.

July 2005        A Vacation with a Purpose trip was planned for July but due major health issues with participants, the trip was cancelled.

Aug 2005        Due to a change in travel availability, LTA began to ship books to Belize with the goal in mind for School in a Box so supplies and books could continue to be shipped.

Nov 2005        DVD mailing regarding the country of Belize was distributed

Dec 2005        Living Tree Academy® was officially registered (Dec 27).

Jan 2006         "Obstacle to Comfort" regarding the life and believing of George Muller was distributed.
                        Letter for registered trademark was received.

June 2006       Scholarship Program was initiated.  Contact was reestablished with Eleanor Sandlin who became LTA's first fellow-laborer.

Sept 2006        A recorded interview of Eleanor Sandlin and copies of the students' letters were distributed to supporters.

Nov 2006        E-bay auction was initiated for fundraising and awareness.

Jan 2007         A new mailing address was established for LTA.

Mar 2007        Trinidad and Belize scholarship applications were accepted.

Apr 2007         E-bay auction was completed.

June 2007       The BOD held a meeting in Jackson, TN.

July 2007        As a result of an IRS audit, LTA changes from "501c3 school" to a "501c3 nonprofit charity"
A trip to Belize was taken to reestablish contacts and stronger relationships with Belize.  This was a precursor to the “Ambassador Program” that would replace “Vacation with a Purpose”.

Aug 2007        Two new members were added to the BOD (Aug 23).
                        Scholarships were sent to Monkey River.

Oct 2007         The foundation was laid for the Biblical Curriculum.

Dec 2007        LTA informational DVD was released.
A volunteer interested in assisting with future grants began working with LTA (Dec 20).

July 2008        Program redevelopment took place to establish three basic programs including “School in a Box”, “Sponsorship” and “Outreach Ambassors”.

Aug 2008        Scholarships were sent to 10 students of Monkey River (6 returning students). 
                        Sponsorship Program was initiated for Belize and Nicaragua (4 students).

June 2009       LTA’s mission statement was revised:  Training young people how to walk with God by teaching all things pertaining to life and godliness.

Sept 2009        The groundwork for five Strategic Objectives was laid.
                        Board members went to Baltimore, MD to share Objectives.

Oct 2009         BOD voted to increase the current Board of Directors (Oct 3).
                        During a group trip to Belize, Principal Garbutt confirmed Monkey River                                   had received a large grant outside of LTA.
                        San Pedro, Belize was selected to be the first location for a school.
                        After returning from Belize, another informational DVD was produced.

Nov 2009        Office moved to downtown Nashville, TN.

Dec 2009        President of LTA goes to San Pedro to look at potential property.

Jan 2010         Board members and guests met in Raleigh, NC for Board Development.

Feb 2010         3 new members were added to the BOD (Feb 7).
                        Illustrations for first book “What is the Bible?” were completed.

Apr 2010         That You May Know® was registered for Biblical Curriculum Series.

May 2010       Annual BOD meeting was held in Nashville, TN.

July 2010        Board members and guests met in Raleigh, NC for Board Development.

Oct 2010         BOD and volunteers traveled to Belize to learn more about San Pedro and the surrounding areas, as well as decide on a specific location of interest for the school.

Jan 2011         3 acres of land was purchased for the development of LTA.
                        A campus plan was developed.

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