Welcome to the Living Tree Academy Blog

With this blog we will keep you updated on our daily events of building a school in the Country of Belize. You will also be able to jump in and help with this adventure of a life time.

And anyone that is so inspired might find some of this information helpful in your efforts to build a quality school in any community or country around the world.

Stay in touch and lets change the lives of young people, one at a time.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Phase 2 Continues with Sign Painting

Today was a quick trip to the property to see the progress on the road.  The load of gravel didn’t go as far as anticipated (phase 2).  Plus we can not purchase any more core (as it is called) until Wednesday.  Next Monday is a holiday – Commonwealth Day.  

Also while on the property today we shared the vision with several people as they passed by along the way.  As we painted the sign people looked and stopped to talk to find out what was going on with the property.  Needless to say, we continue to paint the sign.  Due to the wind and the sun, the paint dries extremely quickly so it was a challenge to make it look efficient.  For now, the sign displays the website and we continue to work.

Volunteer Staff Arrives

Our next volunteer has arrived to San Pedro.  He will be with us for the summer as volunteer staff.  We are grateful to have his heart of service for Living Tree Academy.

Our beloved taxi driver always shares the heartbeat of the country with us as he transports us from the airport to the water taxi.  During this trip he shared the reason for the capital city being named.  A contest was set up to chose the name many years ago.  Since the river Mopan ran through the current capitol and “bel” stands for Bel-ize, the city was named Belmopan.

Our taxi driver also took us to a fruit stand in the City; produce and much more is cheaper on the mainland than the island.  It’s a learning process but we enjoyed picking up a few bananas, mangoes and pineapple.

The water taxi was quit a treat, however our volunteer staff lost his hat quickly as it flew off his head in the wind.  Thankfully he brought two hats.  This was our first trip on a double-decker water taxi and during the evening hours.  After a long day of travel we all arrived back at the staff house after dark.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rock and Architecture

LTA put another load of rock on the road today to get closer to the property.  The tide has been in again so the water level on the road has been high; therefore the previous load of rock that was planned to be placed as far back to the property as possible was used to build up the current path.

Tide coming in....

Drivable now but lots of water! (Side of golf cart)

Tide leaving (water still on the side)
On a different note, the architect, Froylan Alvarado, who we met with responded to LTA stating, "It was pleasure to have met with you and your team, I think the idea and the project is a noble one as well as visionary."  Highly recommened to LTA, Froylan works in design, construction and engineering.  His interest in the presentation style of the classroom so that the architecture followed suit was appreciated.  We look forward to sharing more of the vision of LTA with him in the near future.

Roof top of one of Froylan's designs

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Architect Meeting

LTA BOD representatives and volunteers with expertise in building, met with Mr. Froylan Alvarado (Belize Architect) this morning.  We shared the current design, the idea of being a green campus, as well as the overall vision for LTA.  He shared his understanding of building placement based on the sun and wind, therefore suggesting the classrooms be positioned North to South. Generally the wind flow in Ambergris Caye comes from the Northeast.  After our meeting with him, we all started paying even more attention to the surrounding architecture.

Fun and Meeting

Yesterday LTA volunteers enjoyed snorkeling and kayaking next to the barrier reef within binocular distance from the staff house.  With the kayak having a see through bottom and the water being so clear, volunteers were able to see the seabed from the kayak.  Some parts of the sea were only a couple of feet deep, however there were some drop offs to the barrier reef.

In the afternoon while driving through town, the team stopped by the Manager of Education’s office to touch base on the overall project of LTA.  Representatives had met with Ms. Armstrong during a previous visit, however this was our initial visit since the purchase of property.  She was thankful for us keeping her informed of our progress.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Planting and Watering Coconut Palm

Saturday the LTA team planted our first coconut tree for the roadway.  Volunteers picked out the tree at the nursery, then carried it to the property by golf cart.  (As previously stated in another blog, we plan to align the road with coconut palms to the LTA property.)  With one accord, it was a group effort; some planted, others watered, and God will give the increase!  

Volunteers also started to paint over the “For Sale” sign that has for some time distinguished the roadway entrance to the property.  Although the paint didn’t go on as planned, we will continue this process until the sign successfully shows “Future Home of Living Tree Academy”.

Kayak Race in San Pedro

At 6:00am Saturday morning a two-day kayaking race began in San Pedro.  The kayakers’ raced from one side of the island traveling to the north side where they spent the night then continued the adventure the following day.  

Kayakers arrived back in San Pedro Sunday afternoon/evening where they were greeted by many locals with BBQ and prizes.