Welcome to the Living Tree Academy Blog

With this blog we will keep you updated on our daily events of building a school in the Country of Belize. You will also be able to jump in and help with this adventure of a life time.

And anyone that is so inspired might find some of this information helpful in your efforts to build a quality school in any community or country around the world.

Stay in touch and lets change the lives of young people, one at a time.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Children at Play

This is the day the LORD has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
(Our verse of the day while in Belize)

Still rainy season, the picture above was recently taken.  What a joy to see a rainbow on the property and to understand the promise behind that rainbow.   The updates will not be as frequent for the next few weeks, however work slowly continues on the property. 

Cisterns on the island are overflowing with an abundance of water these days that a few months ago were dry.  We look forward to the day that our cistern is built and utilized by students, staff and volunteers.

The rest of the pictures are a great inspiration to see children at play on the campus (even in the mud right now).  Keep the vision of an amazingly beautiful campus with the students having the same smile and enjoyment for learning on their faces as you see here.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support to see this a living reality.

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