Welcome to the Living Tree Academy Blog

With this blog we will keep you updated on our daily events of building a school in the Country of Belize. You will also be able to jump in and help with this adventure of a life time.

And anyone that is so inspired might find some of this information helpful in your efforts to build a quality school in any community or country around the world.

Stay in touch and lets change the lives of young people, one at a time.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Pizza Challenge - Next Section Complete

Workers were promised a pizza when the next section of the property was filled with mud. (The mud hardens so that we can walk and drive across the property.)   

Working diligently for a few weeks on this section, this week was an exceptional week of accomplishment for the property.  We anticipated this section would be finished by the end of the week but everyone pitched in to see it completed today. The property's horizon continues to broaden. 

Last week - section being filled on the left

Beginning of week - spreading the mud

Half way finished

One corner left in the section to fill

Section filled on the right - pizza on the way!

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