Welcome to the Living Tree Academy Blog

With this blog we will keep you updated on our daily events of building a school in the Country of Belize. You will also be able to jump in and help with this adventure of a life time.

And anyone that is so inspired might find some of this information helpful in your efforts to build a quality school in any community or country around the world.

Stay in touch and lets change the lives of young people, one at a time.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Licensure Received

The Town Board approved the LTA building plans on August 10th.  Since that time we have been waiting to receive our licensure (building permit).  Every week we visited the Town Hall to see if we could pick up our permit.  After 2 weeks the mayor and Board reduced the fee to receive our license by 50%.  We are very thankful for their support.

Yesterday we picked up the letter of approval, paid for the permit, and received the building permit sign.  (Every building site posts a similar sign on the Island.)  As soon as the building begins our sign will be posted on site as well.

Thank you for all your prayers and continued support!

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