Welcome to the Living Tree Academy Blog

With this blog we will keep you updated on our daily events of building a school in the Country of Belize. You will also be able to jump in and help with this adventure of a life time.

And anyone that is so inspired might find some of this information helpful in your efforts to build a quality school in any community or country around the world.

Stay in touch and lets change the lives of young people, one at a time.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

US and Belize Draftsman and Property Update

The week continues to quickly pass as we work diligently on the property.  The water is down so we can clearly see the road again however the potholes on the main road are atrocious!

We now have six volunteers in San Pedro.  (Our Stateside draftsman arrived yesterday to view and assist on the property.)  We started this morning by working the land.  The main focus is establishing a turn around for the trailer and filling the land where the first building will be built. 

This afternoon staff and volunteers met with a Belizean draftsman who will be working with us to ensure our plans are appropriate for Belizean building standards.  We need to fill out an application and present the plans to the Town Board.  The draftsman should have the plans ready in a week. 

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