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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Insect Repellent

Orvis is a brand that makes apparel with insect repellent in it. Insect Shield has no unpleasant smell or feel. The active ingredient, permethrin, is a man-made version of a natural insect repellent found in certain chrysanthemums. It is bonded to the fibers using Insect Shield's patent-pending process.


Of course I had to see what else the internet said about this ingredient (permethrin):
The insecticide permethrin (in the synthetic pyrethroid family) is widely used on cotton, wheat, corn, alfalfa, and other crops. In addition, over 100 million applications are made annually in and around U.S. homes.
Permethrin, like all synthetic pyrethroids, is a neurotoxin. Symptoms include tremors, incoordination, elevated body temperature, increased aggressive behavior, and disruption of learning. Laboratory tests suggest that permethrin is more acutely toxic to children than to adults.
So it looks like DEET is for the skin and Permethrin is for clothing/material:
DEET Repellents / Skin
The most effective repellents contain DEET, which is an ingredient used to repel pests like mosquitoes and ticks. DEET has been tested against a variety of biting insects and has been shown to be very effective
Permethrin® Insecticide / Clothing
Permethrin is applied to clothing and material. It bonds to the fibers. When a mosquito, tick, or other insect comes into contact with the Permethrin it absorbs a lethal dose. Unlike DEET, which may harm some fabrics and materials, Permethrin is compatible for use even on fragile fabrics, such as silk.
Permethrin spray is applied to clothing before it is worn. Product is effective for two weeks after being applied. Liquid contains 0.5% Permethrin. This product should not be applied to the skin.

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