Preparations for the construction of the Living Tree Academy campus continued to surge ahead. Currently, several members of the LTA Board of Directors are in Belize to update plans for the first building, accommodate building site preparations, and further improve the road to the property.
The first building will provide several vital and central functions for the campus, and design plans are being modified to best accommodate those purposes. Considering the cost of building materials, the addition of a second story will be the most cost-effective design. The fact that the foundation as originally planned has already been approved for additional stories makes the new plans even more advantageous. The second story of the building will be designed to house educators and other workers of LTA.
In order to accommodate construction materials for the larger building, the building site needs to be expanded to cover more square footage. Plans are already in place for these preparations to the site, and workers will execute these changes within the next 30 days.
Before construction materials can be brought onto the building site, the road to the property needs to be further developed, as well. Being on an island with limited resources, the work on this road has so far progressed to the point of allowing only travel by golf cart. Now the road will be widened and improved to support the trucks and heavy equipment needed to bring in materials and begin construction.
We will continue to update you as the work progresses on the construction of the Living Tree Academy campus. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. Together we are building for the future.
Site for building materials when construction begins |
Corner of building site - stakes represent where the building will be located (2 shown) | | |
Adding fill to the building site from the LTA trailer (rebuilt and donated parts) |
Headed down our road from the property (worker has LTA shirt on) |